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Old 10-04-2012   #4
R7 Tuyệt Đỉnh Cao Thủ
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Just another poorly spin job by our former resident "God of Encoder". I knew he couldn't just to be away and like a good carpet bagger, more hipocrisy - reference "Thôi các bạn bảo trọng..GOOD BYE !!" And I thought "elephant have good memory?"

1) Obamacare : is already law. Get over it and move on. Your choice to get health insurance or not! If not, there may be some monetary penalty, but you have to do a break even analysis to determine which will give you a better financial outcome w/ vs. w/o ins? Please, more scare tactics by right wing groups looking out for their best interests:

A) Physicians aren't leaving in droves - its actually been statistically the opposite - but is too early for any statistical significant, however, going by new med schools opening up and the increase amount of MD, DO, DDS, DMD, PO, DC, OD and etc... graduates, the statement is a flat out exaggeration
B) Medicare expenditure and cost as a proportion of GDP have and will continue to go up - no matter if an elephant or a jack-ass is in the WH. Hell, the SS Program will be in the red soon and thus benefits will be reduce and out of pocket cost will increase
C) Demonstrations, for and against, runs hand in hand in all jurisdictions of the US - not just FL

2) National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) : is mainly an appropriation bill for US Dept. of Defense. Sub section 1201 of the bill does authorized the President to indefinitely detained any person, including US citizen, "who was part of or substantially supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners", and anyone who commits a "belligerent act" against the U.S. or its coalition allies in aid of such enemy forces, under the law of war, "without trial, until the end of the hostilities authorized by the [AUMF]". The text authorizes trial by military tribunal, or "transfer to the custody or control of the person's country of origin", or transfer to "any other foreign country, or any other foreign entity"

A) The Bill of Rights : is only one set of famous rights afforded to US citizens and legal residents. There are other laws which may be supportive in a positive or negative aspect - ie. the massively sweeping power granted to the President after 9/11

B) Sub Section 1201 is currently being legally challenged w/ several losing verdicts already including a permanent injunction of this section on 09/2012, but an appeal has already been filed w/ the Circuit Court of Appeals - Supreme Court will probably takes up the matter?

3) SOPA & ACTA : SOPA came from Lamar Smith - a Republican from TX. ACTA came out of international trade agreements on intellectual property rights.

4) OBAMA hợp tác với CHINESE : every freaking Presidents since normalized relationship w/ CSVN have done the same. And will continued to do the same! To believe anything else will change from the status quo is unrealistic and foolish.

C) To believe Roomney will not do business w/ China is moronic and naive. Actually, w/ Roomney strong business background and the Republican Party emphasis on business, I dare venture to say that it will be more business and not less.

5) OBAMA không làm ǵ giúp người Việt chúng ta : what other former presidents have done anything for the free people of VN in the US. None. Zilch. Zero. Nada. Why? 'cause we have no national political clout!

A) As for the Việt Khang fiasco, blame that on the organizer, thang Ho, for lack of knowledge, foresight and bad luck. If my memory is correct, the Israeli (?) Prime Minister or some other important dignitary was in town. Well, you get the rest. Our insignificant petition gets pushed down to lower management.

6) Neither Obama nor any prior Presidents are pro South VN nor CSVN

A) All presidents - only pro for the US interests
B) Obama wasn't the president that took this "freedom" away, it was Bush in the immediate 9/11 scare that came out w/ such sweeping powers ie. Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists

Make an informed decision and vote. Does it really matter if you live in CA, FL or TX? Probably not since the electoral votes will be something like this :

A) CA will go Dem.
B) TX will go Rep.
C) Fl will be insignificant since VN have minimal, actually none, clout in that state election process

Believe in tricky Dicky. He's our man. If nobody can do it, he can. Ha ha. What a joke. As stated before, make an informed decision and vote.

Last edited by corumstation; 10-04-2012 at 05:49.
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