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Old 11-09-2012   #34
R7 Tuyệt Đỉnh Cao Thủ
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Lets see, hmm ... where do I begin

1) "Obama cải tổ luật di trú vào giờ chót cho tụi Mể" - basically put, Romney & his advisors made the wrong strategical choices early on in the election, most likely post GOP presidential nomination, in not courting the minority votes esp. latino. As stated before in my earlier comments, faulty due diligence on voter demographics. The GOP former and current base model has always been conservative white and that is who they courted. They will most assuredly revised this model if they want to survive as a party.

2) National Debt - throwing out number doesn't mean much without a reference and or comparison points. The major cause of our current economics has to do with Reagan. Reagan won the presidency by telling the country that debt was out of control, just like what you are doing. Just throwing out number that is. But when placed in perspective ie. Gross Debt as a Percentage (%) of GDP, debt compared to income was actually the lowest in 50 years at that time since the Great Depression. Gross Debt as a % of GDP was highest, close to 120% at the early onset of the Truman administration, then began the post WWII economic boom and the nose dive to low 30% during the Nixon-Ford and then
Carter administrations. Reagan supply-side economists knew that "cutting taxes, would not raise more money and cure the deficit" and so just plainly lied to the American people. Versus Bush senior knew about the lying and called it "voodoo economics". Not once but twice to pass their, his and GOP, budgets and domestic policy agenda.

What about Obama? Look closely at the numbers and notice how the debt accelerated during Bush's junior last two budget years, 2008-2007. Obama's debt is a continuation of that trend and neither Bush junior nor Obama are directly responsible for that acceleration. It happened because of the recession. Basic economic 101, recessions cut tax revenues dramatically. This alone accounts for nearly half of the deficit. So blaming Obama for the full deficit is like blaming him for not raising the tax rate to keep tax revenues up. Most of the increased spending is automatic increases in unemployment benefits, food stamps, and social security payments for early retirement. Very little of it is from stimulus spending, and that's over.

Basically what am I trying to say is and the simplest way to look at these number is this comparison. A teenager that has a 10K dollars debt ability to pay is most likely improbable versus a middle age earner who has a 200K mortgage and makes 6 figures.

3) "Cái điều ba của bạn 100% chính xác luôn. Những người đi làm có income khá, th́ phải đóng thuế nặng và đồng thời phải tự móc tiền túi ra mua health insurance. Nếu không mua th́ sẽ bị IRS phạt thuế nặng hơn nữa. Cho nên đây là UNCONSTITUTION (không hiến pháp). Không có luật nào từ trước giờ ở Mỹ mà ép người ta như thế này. Chỉ có luật OBAMACARE mà thôi. Ép không mua là sẽ bị phạt." - hugh?

Do you guys even read what you presented. Unconstitutional? Supreme Court already upheld the law. The more you argue this unconstitutional aspect. The more it make you look stupid and not credible. Even a caveman knows that! As for the penalty, it's right there in your own presented point. The penalty for no insurance begins at $95 dollars and phase up to a maximum of $695 dollars or 2.5% of income. "Obama đả làm được nhửng ǵ tiền thuế th́ không c̣n được giảm mà c̣n phải đóng thêm , c̣n nửa nếu ai mà không mua bảo hiểm th́ bị INS phạt ..." WtF! It has nothing to do with INS.

4) "Obama đưa nước US ra khỏi vũng lầy Iraq" - it would not matter if McCain had won in 2008. The momentum and public tide against the war had already turned. We can argued the academics, but we still have a significant military presence in the region ie. multiple bases in Saudi Arabia and the surrounding kingdoms/states and several thousands military advisors still in country.

5) "Có rất nhiều người khác không có giống như tụi ḿnh. Đi t́m hiểu sự thật, chứ không phải nghe ông Obama nói xạo gạt bà con. Chỉ người nào không có đầu óc mới nghe ông Obama nói và tin mà thôi." old rhetoric, but this is the way folks to "Đi t́m hiểu sự thật" and "Chỉ người nào không có đầu óc" -

"Cái điều này ḿnh thấy, nhưng hy vọng nó không trở thành sự thật. Các bạn nh́n những h́nh bên dưới người dân đi biểu t́nh đi. Các bạn thấy toàn là Mỹ trắng không, right? Và bạn thấy họ giơ bảng hiệu ǵ? "WHERE IS THE FREEDOM", đúng không? Nước Mỹ là do những người da trắng thành lập, nhưng không ngờ đến thời điểm này họ phải đi đ̣i lại tự do. Các bạn có nghỉ ông Obama lên làm tổng thống để mà trả thù lại Mỹ trắng hôm xưa đă bắt Mỹ đen làm nô lệ và NO FREEDOM không? Các bạn có nh́n thấy điều này không? V́ bây giờ những ǵ ông Obama làm chỉ là có lợi cho Mỹ đen và lấy đi hết tự do của người Mỹ trang. Ḿnh hy vọng đây không phải là sự thật."

A) The enclosed picture show a guy holding a poster crying for "where's the freedom". You turn this around into a conspiracy theory of revenge. Are you serious? The US was founded by white people? Hello? What about native american. A more accurate descriptor would be the US was settled by white Europeans according to us version of history - actually that's not true neither. Oh well. "Nước Mỹ là do những người da trắng thành lập, nhưng không ngờ đến thời điểm này họ phải đi đ̣i lại tự do" hugh? America was not develop by mainly white people. It was developed by white, enslaved blacks and indentured asians. Go read your history. But I digress, sorry. "where's the freedom" reference the guy's pro life position! It has nothing to do with your conspiracy theory of vengeance. Even a caveman can see that.

B) scary and how credible are you, when you use your two hind legs to crank up the old brain fart (look mom, this is my brain at work) ...

C) PS : you still are a nigger in the GOP eye ... oops, that selective retrograde amnesia is still working ... OKAY ?
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