It's official: Trump's trade war with China is now an unmitigated, farcical disaster
By: Linette Lopez Sep 16, 2020
Tổ chức Thương mại Thế giới - WTO một cơ quan mà Mỹ từng giúp thiết lập - đă đưa ra phán quyết rằng việc Trump áp thuế ban đầu lên hàng hóa Trung Quốc là vi phạm các quy định của WTO.
Theo các điều lệ, phán quyết này kết luận rằng cuộc chiến thương mại này đă vi phạm các nguyên tắc riêng của Hoa Kỳ.
We can now say, officially, that Trump's trade war with China is an unmitigated, farcical disaster.
There isn't just one reason, of course, but this week we witnessed the coup de grace. The World Trade Orginization — a body the US once helped design —ruled that Trump's initial salvo of tariffs on Chinese goods were in violation of WTO rules. Symbolically this ruling crystalizes the fact that this trade war was a breach of the US's own principles.
Practically, though, this ruling will mean little to the administration. Trump and his staff will continue to pretend as if negotiations are ongoing, and that progress is being made. But the data doesn't bear that out. In July the US trade deficit — the measure Trump claimed he was going to narrow by waging this trade war — surged to its highest level since 2008.
Continue Reading:
https://www.businessinsider. com/trump-trade-war-china-beijing-tariffs-unmitigated-disaster-2020-9