Những hoạt động ngoài trời như làm việc, vui chơi, giải trí, du ngoạn ở trong một số hoàn cảnh , khí hậu , và thời tiết . Khí hậu nóng và lạnh đều có thể gây ra những hệ quả đối lập (adverse consequences), và những sinh vật (critters) sống bên ngoài thỉnh thoảng gây dị ứng (ngứa ngáy khó chịu) hoặc tổn thương . Cơ thể bị thiếu nước hoặc ở cao độ (thí dụ lên đỉnh núi) và ở trong một số điều kiện ngoài trời khác cũng có thể làm bạn cảm thấy suy yếu đi .
Cho dù không có vấn đề ǵ khi bạn hoạt động ngoài trời, nhưng thật quan trọng bạn biết làm ǵ để chăm sóc hoặc trợ giúp những người bị chấn thương, bị bệnh tật bất ngờ .
Nhiều loại côn trùng và các sinh vật khác, bao gồm cả con người, gây ra các vết cắn và vết châm chích có thể cho cảm giác không thoải mái hoặc đe dọa tính mạng từ nhẹ nhẹ đến trung b́nh. Điều quan trọng là biết làm ǵ, làm thế nào để trị liệu, và khi nào th́ cần t́m kiếm đến trợ giúp từ chuyên gia y tế để trị liệu bất kỳ thương tổn tàng ẩn bên trong.
Ḅ cạp là loại côn trùng nhiều chân có h́nh dạng giống tôm hùm (lobster-like arthoropods) nằm trong xếp loại côn trùng có nọc độc (arcahnid class, cùng loài nhền nhện = spider class), có một ng̣i / kim xoăn ở phần cuối nơi đuôi, và chúng thường được t́m thấy ở vùng sa mạc phía Tây Nam của Mexico (nước Mễ Tây Cơ). Những vết chích / đốt của bọ cạp dường như không có khả năng gây tử vong và dễ dàng điều trị, nhưng lại nguy hiểm cho trẻ nhỏ và người già hơn . Những triệu chứng bao gồm đau nhức ngay lập tức (immediate pain), nóng rát (burning), sưng tấy chút chút (minor swelling) và cảm giác tê (numb) hoặc ngứa ran (tingling sensation).
Những buớc sau đây cần nên thực hiện để trị liệu vết ḅ cạp cắn:
1. Rửa vùng bị ḅ cạp cắn bằng xà pḥng / xà bông và nước
2. Dùng túi trườm lạnh đặt lên vùng bị ḅ cạp cắn trong ṿng 10 phút , nếu cần thiết th́ lập đi lập lại việc trườm lạnh vùng bị cắn với khoảng cách giữa các lần trườm lạnh là 10 phút .
3. Gọi điện thoại đến trung tâm kiểm soát chất độc (the Poison Control Center), hay đi bệnh viện khi có bất kỳ triệu chứng nghiêm trọng ǵ
Những người sống vùng rừng cây hay đồng cỏ, hay những người dành thời gian vui chơi giải trí ở những khu vực này th́ dễ bị bọ ve cắn . Loài côn trùng nho nhỏ này sống bằng cách hút máu các loài động vật có vú (mammals) thí dụ như hươu nai (deer), loài gậm nhấm (rodents), thỏ (rabbits) và có thể truyền bệnh từ động vật sang người .
Việc sơ cứu (first aid) những vết bọ ve cắn bao gồm loại bỏ con bọ ve đang bu bám ngay lập tức để tránh những phản ứng từ vết cắn và giảm thiểu tối đa các loại bệnh nhiễm trùng do bọ ve gây ra thí dụ bệnh Lyme, bệnh nóng sốt Colorado bọ ve (Colorado tick fever), bệnh nóng sốt được phát hiện ở núi đá (Rocky Mountain Spotted fever)
Để tháo bỏ con bọ ve bu bám trên người , hăy làm như sau:
1. Dùng cây nhíp (tweezers) hay cây kẹp nhỏ nhỏ cong cong hay thẳng thẳng (small curl or flat forcepts) kẹp lấy đầu con bọ ve và càng cận sát nơi da đang bị con bọ ve cắn càng tốt, rồi nhẹ nhàng kéo ra, đừng bóp nát hay xoay vặn con bọ ve
2. Rửa vùng bị bọ ve cắn bằng xà pḥng / xà bông và nước.
3. Bôi thuốc Antihistamine hoặc loại 1% hydrocortisone cream (loại kem chứa 1% chất hydrocortisone)
Cần phải có sự chăm sóc y tế chuyên nghiệp , nếu con bọ ve cắn quá sâu và bạn không thể tháo gỡ nó ra được, hoặc bạn đang ở trong khu vực được thông báo là có nhiều nguy cơ bị bệnh lyme, hoặc bạn có triệu chứng nóng sốt hay triệu chứng cảm cúm , hoặc bạn có trải nghiệm bắp thịt trở lên suy nhược, tê liệt (paralysis) , hoặc nổi vết tṛn đỏ trên da gọi là "phát ban mắt ḅ" (the bull's eye rash) là đặc chưng của bệnh Lyme .
Đừng bao giờ bôi petroleum jelly (vaseline), rượu cồn ( alcohol ) ahy ammonia lên con bọ ve - chúng sẽ cắn chặt sâu vào da hơn. Nếu bạn đang ở trong vùng cảnh báo có nhiều nguy cơ bệnh Lyme mà bị bọ ve cắn, bạn nhất định phải phone báo bác sĩ để được tư vấn và ngay lập tức được chăm sóc và điều tri bao gồm việc sử dụng thuốc kháng sinh
Fresh fruit is an important component of a healthy diet, but how it’s prepared matters. “You might think that canned fruit is as healthy as fresh, but if the label shows that it’s canned in “light syrup” or “heavy syrup,” it means that the fruit has sugar added to it,” Gorin says. “You want to limit the added sugar that you eat.” She suggests reading your food’s ingredients label to make sure it contains nothing but fruit. “Fruit canned in juice or water is usually a safe option,”
When summer rolls around, ice pops and fruit-flavored shaved ice may seem like a healthy, refreshing treat. But one quick glance at the ingredients might change your mind. Most are made of sugar, sugar, and more sugar with artificial flavors, preservatives, and colors. We already know added sugar is a problem, but an article in the Journal Neurotherapeutics suggests artificial colors are also a public health problem and have been linked with behavioral issues in children. Choose pops that are made primarily with juice, so that you’re getting some nutrition for your calories
According to the USDA Food Database, cotton candy is 100 percent sugar. A one-ounce serving averages 110 calories and 28 grams sugar. This melt-in-your-mouth treat may seem “light” but it isn’t, and the effect on your teeth isn’t pretty either. The most recent available World Health Organization guidelines recommend added sugar make up no more than 10 percent of calories to reduce incidence of cavities and gum disease. That’s equivalent to about 38 grams of sugar for someone eating 1,500 calories a day. Given this, a single ounce of cotton candy contributes 73 percent of the recommended daily limit. Gum disease can be a sign of a more serious health condition; here are 7 signs of disease your teeth can reveal.
That creamy delicious chocolate topping on your cake clocks in at around 140 calories with 18 to 19 grams of added sugar and about 2 grams of saturated fat in just 2 tablespoons, according to the US Food Database. You’ll find a host of other questionable ingredients including hydrogenated fats, a source of trans fat that are bad for your heart, according to the American Heart Association. At less than 0.5 grams per serving, trans fat doesn’t have to be declared on a label according to the FDA, so you won’t know it’s there—and let’s face it, you’re likely to eat more than two spoonfuls. Go for light whipped cream instead. It’s literally half the calories
NYC-based dietitian Natalie Rizzo, MS, RD, says some of the emptiest calories you can take in are found in sugary blended coffee drinks, like frappuccinos or caramel macchiatos. “To me, these drinks masquerade as a caffeine pick-me-up, but are more like a dessert. I absolutely think it’s OK to indulge occasionally but making these your go-to drink at the coffee shop is definitely not a good choice,” she says. “Sugar-sweetened coffee drinks can have more sugar, fat, and calories than most meals!” These calorie-free coffee hacks might just replace your Starbucks habit
All the health benefits related to chocolate don’t apply here. Primarily made up of cocoa butter, milk, or cream, flavors and emulsifying agents, as indicated in the FDA Code of Federal Regulations, white chocolate has around 150 calories, 5 grams saturated fat, and 16.5 grams of sugar per ounce according to the USDA Food Database. Unlike dark and milk chocolate, which contain varying amounts of the more antioxidant-rich cocoa, white chocolate contains zero cocoa. Choose dark chocolate for greater nutritional benefits,
A saturated-fat-and-salt bomb, 4 ounces of raw salt pork has 33 grams of saturated fat and over 3,000 milligrams of sodium, according to the USDA Food Database. Thankfully it is mainly used in relatively small amounts as a flavor enhancer in cooking, for example in baked beans or collard greens in traditional Southern cooking. Still, it’s best not to make salt pork a daily habit. Watch
What do instant oatmeal, cookies, and canned veggies have in common? They are all foods high in sodium—and you probably didn’t know they were.
Cottage cheese
Cottage cheese with fruit is an old lunchtime favorite, packed with protein and calcium. But if you’re aiming to lower your sodium, you might want to skip these creamy curds, as they’re actually foods high in sodium. Cottage cheese has at least 400 mg of sodium per half cup. For a tasty substitute, try Greek yogurt. You’ll get more protein, calcium, vitamin D, and as a bonus, some good-for-your-gut probiotics. Most Greek yogurts weigh in at only 70 mg of sodium per half cup.
More than 26 million Americans suffer from kidney disease—from kidney stones to infections to cancer. Learn the signs that your kidneys are in big trouble with this expert-approved guide.
Most people don’t think much about their kidneys until something is really wrong. Considering they’re you’re built-in detox machines, you might want to pay closer attention to these fist-sized, bean-shaped organs. Sometimes referred to as the body’s “master chemists,” your kidneys sit just below your rib cage, one on each side of your spine. They filter your blood to remove any waste and excess fluids, producing urine. They also ensure that you have the right amount of minerals, like potassium and sodium, in your blood; another key kidney job is producing hormones that help control your blood pressure.
Most kidney disease is completely invisible, and people only find out about it after a routine test that measures kidney function. By this time, there is pretty significant disease,” cautions Joel Topf, MD, a nephrologist at Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine in Royal Oak, MI, and a spokesperson for the American Society of Nephrology.
According to Anil Agarwal, MD, director of interventional nephrology at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus, Ohio, the best ways to diagnose kidney disease are through urine and blood screening tests. The urine test looks for blood proteins (which shouldn’t be in urine), bacteria, and minerals that can form kidney stones. A blood test can detect a waste product from your muscles called creatinine; unhealthy kidneys have trouble filtering out creatinine. Creatinine is normally removed from your blood by your kidneys, but when kidney function slows, creatinine levels rise. “Urine and blood analysis are a good idea, and sometimes kidney ultrasound can provide more clues,” says Dr. Agarwal
Each year, more than half a million people go to emergency rooms for kidney stones, according to the National Kidney Foundation. If you have high levels of certain minerals in your urine, kidney stones (hard, pebble-like pieces of material) can form in one or both of your kidneys. “Pain associated with kidney stones often comes on suddenly and is sometimes described as [as] excruciating as the pain associated with labor,” says Douglas Propp, MD, Medical Director and Chair of Emergency Medicine at Advocate Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge, Illinois. Dr. Propp says most patients pass their kidney stones on their own, though doctors sometimes prescribe medication to either manage the pain or help the stone pass. Some stones may even require surgery
Blood in your urine
Another possible warning sign of kidney disease is blood in your urine. This can be a marker of kidney stones, kidney infection, and other kidney diseases. “The early signs of kidney disease tend to be vague but looking at your urine can give you important clues,” says Dr. Agarwal. “Any blood in your urine or change in the color that may indicate blood—as well as foamy urine (which
Because your kidneys produce urine, frequent—or very infrequent—trips to the bathroom can both be signs of kidney disease. For some people, kidney disease results in false urges to pee, while others will report a greater amount of urination that may even wake them up at night,
Because a kidney infection is a type of urinary tract infection, you’ll have inflammation all the way down your urethra. The bacteria don’t just invade the lining of your bladder and kidneys, explains Charles Modlin, MD, MBA, a urologist with Cleveland Clinic. They also can infiltrate the tissue and nerve endings of your urinary tract, activating pain receptors in the area. And when nature calls—ouch
During a kidney infection, your pee might look cloudy. “Your body is sending white blood cells to fight the infection,” explains Nicole Ali, MD, a nephrologist at NYU Langone. “What you see in the urine is blood cells and bacteria building up
Noticing an unusual stench when you urinate could be another one of the kidney infection symptoms you experience. “That’s the fermentation of the bacteria,” says Dr. Modlin. Don’t jump to conclusions if it’s your only symptom, though. Cloudy, strong-smelling urine can also be a sign of dehydration, he says, so see if drinking more water helps.
In severe cases of kidney infection, you might see pus when you urinate because of a buildup of white blood cells and bacteria, says Dr. Ali. “At the point where someone is seeing pus in the urine, they probably have a bad infection,” says Dr. Ali.
Bladder infections don’t normally cause a fever; running a temperature could indicate the infection has traveled up to your kidneys. Certain types of kidney stones can also cause infections—and fevers. “When the kidney gets obstructed, it can lead to fever because there can be backup of urine and that can lead to an infection,” says Dr. Coogan.
Don’t dismiss these important cues from your body that could signal huge health problems. Your life may depend on it.
Pressure or tightness in the jaw, neck, or arms
Believe it or not, you might be having a heart attack—especially if you’re a woman. Women under 55 who have had a heart attack are actually more likely to have experienced lesser-known symptoms like this. They are also more likely to have experienced three or more symptoms other than chest pain before having a cardiac incident, according to a study published in Circulation. The problem is, these symptoms are often misinterpreted or ignored, even by doctors, and this puts women at an increased risk of dying in comparison with men of the same age. So be aware, be smart, and be your own best advocate.
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