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cha12 ba 05-16-2020 22:21

POLITICO: How Not to Listen to Donald Trump
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Until the president comes up with actual evidence for his allegations, we’re under no obligation to pay attention.

By JACK SHAFER 05/15/2020

Drew Angerer/Getty Images

It turns out President Donald Trump’s status as the most accessible person to ever hold the office is more a curse than a blessing. Day after day, he fills the air with the ack-ack of disinformation and misdirection, needlessly alarming the public and sending reporters on wild goose chases to either confirm or disprove his allegations. On Thursday, in an interview with Fox Business’ Maria Bartiromo, Trump repeated his newest figment that Joe Biden and Barack Obama are guilty of some unnamed crimes for which they are deserving of “50-year sentences.”

Strong meat! The heinous crimes—to which he has applied the “Obamagate” moniker and calls “the biggest political crime and scandal in the history of the USA, by FAR”—is a relatively new creation of the Trump Disinformation Laboratory. He only started talking about it on May 10 and has yet to specify exactly what Obamagate is aside from telling reporters in a press conference that it’s “obvious” and that he wants Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., to investigate it.

Despite a lack of interest from his minions in Congress (Graham has said he has no plans to grill Obama), Trump’s foggy demagoguery has mobilized the entire press corps to determine what the hell Trump is talking about. Explainers from Reuters, the Washington Post, the Guardian, CNN, and elsewhere struggle to decipher Trump’s vague but strident accusations with little success. We can say this much with certainty. It appears linked to the counterintelligence operation against Gen. Michael Flynn in late 2016, and the requests from Obama administration officials that his identity be “unmasked” from intelligence reports so they could understand who, exactly, was talking to the Russian ambassador. Flynn lied to the FBI about speaking to the ambassador about sanctions and later pled guilty to lying to the FBI about those conversations. (Unmasking, by the way, is a routine, not nefarious thing, which the Trump administration has requested thousands of times.) But until Trump uses his words to make his charges about Obama more specific, we can only guess at what the actual crime might be.

Why must we fetch every bone that Trump hurls into the high, prickly brush? Well, he’s the president, and he wouldn’t make such an extreme charge if it weren’t true, would he? But he does, and he does all the time. This tidy list from Business Insider demonstrates his historic capacity for making baseless but grotesque claims of criminality and deception: implicating Ted Cruz’s father in the Kennedy assassination; claiming that Obama wasn’t born in the United States; surmising that Justice Antonin Scalia did not die of natural causes; accusing Joe Scarborough of complicity in the death of an intern; asserting massive voter fraud in the 2016 presidential election; saying windmills cause cancer; connecting the Clintons to Jeffrey Epstein’s death; and the Bidens-in-Ukraine baloney.

Now it could be that Obama did commit the biggest political crime in the history of the USA. If there’s a shred of evidence, I want Obama investigated. If the investigation bears fruit, I want him to have a fair trial. If he’s found guilty, I want him punished. But show me that shred of evidence first or I’m going back to bed.

At the three-and-a-half-year mark of his presidency, we have ample proof that Trump’s barking about the criminality of others—almost always his opponents—is routinely groundless. As many have written, he is a terrible source of investigative leads and he routinely spins nonsense to reset the conversation in hopes that it will deflect the press from his political problems. And he’s doing it again. As a serial and unreliable accuser, Trump is like that cocoa puff who loves to phone reporters with evidence of massive wrong-doing but when interviewed only has a shopping bag full of unrelated, yellowing news clips. The biggest difference between the cocoa puffs and the orange one, of course, is that the cocoa puffs only want to be heard while the orange one hopes his hogwash will get enough play to influence voters in November.

This is where it gets tricky for reporters. But it’s time to establish a new standard for our coverage of the president.

Journalists should still write down what he says, just as we should always listen to the cocoa puffs when they call. But the urgency of our investigations should be informed by what sort of substantiation Trump and his surrogates provide. Does the press have an obligation to debunk every allegation he makes, even the vague and tissue-thin charges he makes on a regular basis? Who made him our assignment editor? Trump has cried wolf so many times—deliberately wasting journalistic resources by sending reporters off to investigate spurious charges—that it’s now incumbent upon him to invest his charges with some tangible proof if he expects reporters to follow his lead. At the very least, Trump should explain what law was broken and cite its page number in the legal code, offer to share with journalists the evidence he has collected, and present the criminal or civil complaint he has filed. Unless and until he does that, reporters have no duty to publicize his blabber beyond recording it for posterity in a brief mention inside the A section.

We can expect more, not less of Trump’s wolf-cries as the election approaches, as international affairs professor Tom Nichols tweeted Wednesday. “The Trump people are going to unleash a blizzard of bullshit, including selective releases and declassifications and leaks, and if the media chases every one of these as bombshell, they’re going to end up being a functioning arm of the Trump campaign,” Nichols wrote. Telling the president to put up or shut up with his accusation—to put the onus on him to show that there is a there there—is the only way press can declare its independence from his tricks.

Of Trump’s favorite baseless accusations, his favorite must be the charge of treason. He’s uncorked it dozens of times, most recently against Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif. Seeing as treason is narrowly defined in the Constitution, you’d think that if he had a case against Schiff, Trump would have—for the protection of the United States—pressed for serious investigations and arrests in the past three years. Instead, Trump has dropped all of his treason allegations like a toy that no longer interests him. If the past is any guide, Trump will push “Obamagate” with the same bombast and flummery to keep the press chasing their own tails, leaving less time to report more fruitful stories.

Trump has achieved something no president before him has. By his own energies, he has forfeited the automatic right to our investigative attention. Feel free to listen to his indictments, but don’t be a dupe. Use just one ear.

Ho Chu Tiem 05-16-2020 22:25

1 chữ xạo, đơn giản

botbeo 05-16-2020 22:56


Originally Posted by Ho Chu Tiem (Post 3925081)
1 chữ xạo, đơn giản


tctd 05-17-2020 01:11


Originally Posted by Ho Chu Tiem (Post 3925081)
1 chữ xạo, đơn giản

công nhận có nhiều nguời nói dóc mà không dám thở mạnh .. thở mạnh nguời khác biết sao? hahaha..:hafppy::haf ppy::hafppy:

The.Cuong 05-17-2020 05:02

Càng gần ngày bầu cử, TT Trump càng hoảng loạn. Ông bắt đầu ăn nói lung tung. Ngày nay khác với 3 năm trước. Thế giới diễn kịch của ông trước công chúng giờ đã bị thu hẹp lại trong phạm vi sân khấu, không còn là toàn cõi thế giới hay nước Mỹ. Hy vọng ông sẽ nhận thấy điều này nếu còn mong muốn nhiệm kỳ kế tiếp.

canhdieubay 05-17-2020 05:30


Originally Posted by tctd (Post 3925183)
công nhận có nhiều nguời nói dóc mà không dám thở mạnh .. thở mạnh nguời khác biết sao? hahaha..:hafppy::haf ppy::hafppy:

no dau co dam tho

canhdieubay 05-17-2020 05:31

hy vong toi ngay bau cu no dau tim roi ngum luon

Ho Chu Tiem 05-17-2020 05:43


Originally Posted by canhdieubay (Post 3925362)
hy vong toi ngay bau cu no dau tim roi ngum luon

không có đâu, ác sống dai lắm

nangsom 05-18-2020 18:21


Originally Posted by The.Cuong (Post 3925346)
Càng gần ngày bầu cử, TT Trump càng hoảng loạn. Ông bắt đầu ăn nói lung tung. Ngày nay khác với 3 năm trước. Thế giới diễn kịch của ông trước công chúng giờ đã bị thu hẹp lại trong phạm vi sân khấu, không còn là toàn cõi thế giới hay nước Mỹ. Hy vọng ông sẽ nhận thấy điều này nếu còn mong muốn nhiệm kỳ kế tiếp.

Diễn kịch mà không có khán giả ủng hộ, ngoại trừ những người nhà ''coi cọp''

Không biết sắp tới còn cơ hội để diễn nữa không?

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