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Old 10-18-2013   #10
R7 Tuyệt Đỉnh Cao Thủ
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corumstation Reputation Uy Tín Level 7corumstation Reputation Uy Tín Level 7corumstation Reputation Uy Tín Level 7corumstation Reputation Uy Tín Level 7corumstation Reputation Uy Tín Level 7corumstation Reputation Uy Tín Level 7corumstation Reputation Uy Tín Level 7corumstation Reputation Uy Tín Level 7corumstation Reputation Uy Tín Level 7corumstation Reputation Uy Tín Level 7corumstation Reputation Uy Tín Level 7corumstation Reputation Uy Tín Level 7corumstation Reputation Uy Tín Level 7

Being single and making approx. 70K pretax, that's still good when the median US family only makes 50K. Congratulation and well done.

Her story only lend further support to the total failure of CSVN's values and educational system! Given the freedom from oppression and a chance to thrive, the incredible becomes the common. As evidence by how even thang Giap knew, disagreed with and openly criticized CSVN totalitarianism regime's corruption, tyranny and revenge against VCHN's middle class, the educated and the professionals, post fall of Saigon. As payment in full for such criticism, thang Giap was marginalized by his uneducated cohorts. With such friends, who needs enemy?

So, how many TS (doctorate) is needed to screw a lite bulb. How many do you want? I will print them out said the CSVN rep.
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