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Old 02-23-2014   #135
R7 Tuyệt Đỉnh Cao Thủ
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A "Han w/ a G" I proudly proclaimed,
Nguyễn Huệ (阮惠) was a barbarous murderer
and Mao Xi Dung was my benevolent god and king ...

My mother is ma ma for simple chinese sake,
My father is a Hoe all day long
Self proclaimed and beloved by children and all the likes in CSVN
Forcing himself onto their bodies and minds,
I never could understand why you all
Don't love this Hoe as much as I can

Forced to ingrain these characters inside my head,
I grew up not knowing any better or maybe am I just dead,
Running around and barking loudly as much as I can
So proud of my Hoe and Han heritage ...
I finally can stand, on my two feet once again,
But not for long as I am constrained by conscience to see the truth,
It hurts too much to use that part of the brain

My Hoe has taught me to be proud,
To protect and serve the Party first and foremost, is a proud profession that doesn't discriminate,
Non gender biases my comrades and I, we have no taste
One, two , three or more ...
Solid, liquid, black, white, green, yellow or brown
It's all the same to us, so bring us some more

It's late now and I must return to the lair
If I'm late and don't get my needed slumber and Chow,
I'll go rabid and take a chunk from you,
So please enjoy our late show about my Hoe and ma ma,
When I wake up tomorrow I will be refresh again
To entertain you nice folks with some S & M.

But before you all must go,
There is something I needed to confess,
For all this talk about my self proclaimed bravado,
I'm truly like any of my other sisters and brothers,
We lick each others' dicks and cunts to feel secure,
Then kisses each other asses to see
If we are special as Uncle Hoe has proclaimed us to be,

Special indeed we (CSVN) are all alike
Lickings dicks and kissing assess are our specialties,
Or may be it is like what you have said,
I'm just a proud mongrel "Han w/ a G"

MeVietnam - ni hao ma
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