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Old 04-12-2014   #28
R4 Cao Thủ Võ Lâm
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johnnypiere Reputation Uy Tín Level 1johnnypiere Reputation Uy Tín Level 1

whoever are worrying about this screw up vitcong citizen, please remind yourselves that the vitcong government did not hold any record of your (boat people or political asylum before 1995) since they had upgraded their system from toilet paper to computerization.

However, if you go back to vietnam and visit your hometown, they will consider you are one of their kind when you are going to blow their office with money, you know what I mean.

Therefore, they want you register again, in order to have your full record in their system. Whoever applied for visa to go back to vn in the pass, VC had your record in their system, but the record does not clear to them.
That is why they want you fill out the 5 years Visa (kkkk a cheating worded). It is the same as you are reapply for VC citizenship.

Last edited by johnnypiere; 04-12-2014 at 14:30.
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