After some more trainings and B&B, I see they let you out for a spin. But don't worry, your delusional grandeur state is still intact. Your barking, however, is not loud enough for china to listen. And yet, you still are colicy and constipated. Not to worry, these symptoms will persist due to your daily BB dietary intake.
Ba Dinh will ensure their thefts, safety and schemes,
By sending out more asses to always proclaim
All is great ... All is great
But look, what do I see
Chinese bravery is shitting in CSVN land
First these Islands and now an oil rig
What next? Peking Duck on top of Hoe Hoe toilet bowl
A fitting end to Hoe Hoe promise of a utopian cream pie and custard dream
A "Han w/ a g" at the bottom enjoying tribute from a quack on top
But alas realities have to be entertain
To amass and build on this nation's masses
For a piece of the action, Ba Dinh gave us the keys,
These people are to stupid and beguiled to understand ...
But what do you expect from a nation of peasants and "cu li"
It's okay, we all understand
The conditions in CSVN is very harsh for us to comprehend
One, two, three, four or more asses to lend a helping hand
All too unflattering the truth does speak
Soiled their mother,
Betrayed their father,
Murdered their brother
Sold their sister
All of this for some yuan and now greenbacks
What a strange and asinine place CSVN turns out to be
Master and slave be it now and then
CSVN was always our master plan
China as parent... CSVN its slave
So it was One thousand years ago
So it will now be, from now 'til the end
Hoe Hoe. Bon appetit and here are some TUMS for F-39 prophylaxis