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Những hoạt động ngoài trời như làm việc, vui chơi, giải trí, du ngoạn ở trong một số hoàn cảnh , khí hậu , và thời tiết . Khí hậu nóng và lạnh đều có thể gây ra những hệ quả đối lập (adverse consequences), và những sinh vật (critters) sống bên ngoài thỉnh thoảng gây dị ứng (ngứa ngáy khó chịu) hoặc tổn thương . Cơ thể bị thiếu nước hoặc ở cao độ (thí dụ lên đỉnh núi) và ở trong một số điều kiện ngoài trời khác cũng có thể làm bạn cảm thấy suy yếu đi .

Cho dù không có vấn đề ǵ khi bạn hoạt động ngoài trời, nhưng thật quan trọng bạn biết làm ǵ để chăm sóc hoặc trợ giúp những người bị chấn thương, bị bệnh tật bất ngờ .


Nhiều loại côn trùng và các sinh vật khác, bao gồm cả con người, gây ra các vết cắn và vết châm chích có thể cho cảm giác không thoải mái hoặc đe dọa tính mạng từ nhẹ nhẹ đến trung b́nh. Điều quan trọng là biết làm ǵ, làm thế nào để trị liệu, và khi nào th́ cần t́m kiếm đến trợ giúp từ chuyên gia y tế để trị liệu bất kỳ thương tổn tàng ẩn bên trong.


Ḅ cạp là loại côn trùng nhiều chân có h́nh dạng giống tôm hùm (lobster-like arthoropods) nằm trong xếp loại côn trùng có nọc độc (arcahnid class, cùng loài nhền nhện = spider class), có một ng̣i / kim xoăn ở phần cuối nơi đuôi, và chúng thường được t́m thấy ở vùng sa mạc phía Tây Nam của Mexico (nước Mễ Tây Cơ). Những vết chích / đốt của bọ cạp dường như không có khả năng gây tử vong và dễ dàng điều trị, nhưng lại nguy hiểm cho trẻ nhỏ và người già hơn . Những triệu chứng bao gồm đau nhức ngay lập tức (immediate pain), nóng rát (burning), sưng tấy chút chút (minor swelling) và cảm giác tê (numb) hoặc ngứa ran (tingling sensation).

Những buớc sau đây cần nên thực hiện để trị liệu vết ḅ cạp cắn:
1. Rửa vùng bị ḅ cạp cắn bằng xà pḥng / xà bông và nước

2. Dùng túi trườm lạnh đặt lên vùng bị ḅ cạp cắn trong ṿng 10 phút , nếu cần thiết th́ lập đi lập lại việc trườm lạnh vùng bị cắn với khoảng cách giữa các lần trườm lạnh là 10 phút .

3. Gọi điện thoại đến trung tâm kiểm soát chất độc (the Poison Control Center), hay đi bệnh viện khi có bất kỳ triệu chứng nghiêm trọng ǵ


Những người sống vùng rừng cây hay đồng cỏ, hay những người dành thời gian vui chơi giải trí ở những khu vực này th́ dễ bị bọ ve cắn . Loài côn trùng nho nhỏ này sống bằng cách hút máu các loài động vật có vú (mammals) thí dụ như hươu nai (deer), loài gậm nhấm (rodents), thỏ (rabbits) và có thể truyền bệnh từ động vật sang người .

Việc sơ cứu (first aid) những vết bọ ve cắn bao gồm loại bỏ con bọ ve đang bu bám ngay lập tức để tránh những phản ứng từ vết cắn và giảm thiểu tối đa các loại bệnh nhiễm trùng do bọ ve gây ra thí dụ bệnh Lyme, bệnh nóng sốt Colorado bọ ve (Colorado tick fever), bệnh nóng sốt được phát hiện ở núi đá (Rocky Mountain Spotted fever)

Để tháo bỏ con bọ ve bu bám trên người , hăy làm như sau:
1. Dùng cây nhíp (tweezers) hay cây kẹp nhỏ nhỏ cong cong hay thẳng thẳng (small curl or flat forcepts) kẹp lấy đầu con bọ ve và càng cận sát nơi da đang bị con bọ ve cắn càng tốt, rồi nhẹ nhàng kéo ra, đừng bóp nát hay xoay vặn con bọ ve

2. Rửa vùng bị bọ ve cắn bằng xà pḥng / xà bông và nước.

3. Bôi thuốc Antihistamine hoặc loại 1% hydrocortisone cream (loại kem chứa 1% chất hydrocortisone)

Cần phải có sự chăm sóc y tế chuyên nghiệp , nếu con bọ ve cắn quá sâu và bạn không thể tháo gỡ nó ra được, hoặc bạn đang ở trong khu vực được thông báo là có nhiều nguy cơ bị bệnh lyme, hoặc bạn có triệu chứng nóng sốt hay triệu chứng cảm cúm , hoặc bạn có trải nghiệm bắp thịt trở lên suy nhược, tê liệt (paralysis) , hoặc nổi vết tṛn đỏ trên da gọi là "phát ban mắt ḅ" (the bull's eye rash) là đặc chưng của bệnh Lyme .

Đừng bao giờ bôi petroleum jelly (vaseline), rượu cồn ( alcohol ) ahy ammonia lên con bọ ve - chúng sẽ cắn chặt sâu vào da hơn. Nếu bạn đang ở trong vùng cảnh báo có nhiều nguy cơ bệnh Lyme mà bị bọ ve cắn, bạn nhất định phải phone báo bác sĩ để được tư vấn và ngay lập tức được chăm sóc và điều tri bao gồm việc sử dụng thuốc kháng sinh
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R11 Độc Cô Cầu Bại
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hoanglan22 (08-16-2019), nhathanh (04-24-2019), phokhuya (04-01-2019), RealMadrid (04-02-2019)
Old 06-17-2019   #1721
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How much protein we need

There are many elements to consider when determining just how much protein you personally need on a daily basis, from how often you squeeze in a sweat sesh to how your body’s digestion is functioning. That said, there are some overall guidelines. As McMordie explains, “The RDA for protein for adult men and women is around 50 to 62 grams of protein per day. This will typically prevent any protein deficiencies,” she says. Though that’s a rough estimate, CCHE Chief Culinary Officer, Ken Immer notes, “Most often, we hear about recommending protein in specific gram amounts per day. However, that can be misleading because it should be closely tied to your total calorie needs, rather than just an arbitrary number,” he says. “There is a wide range of recommendations when it comes to the ideal percentage of calories from protein—10 to 35 percent of total calories, 10 percent being the absolute minimum, and 35 percent being the maximum before there is a toxicity to be concerned about.” As a general rule, Immer recommends that men aim for 140 grams and women shoot for 110 grams per day, which is more than the RDA, but still within safe limits. But what happens when you go overboard?
Old 06-17-2019   #1722
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You’re in a bad mood

Maybe you got into a fight with your partner before bed or you’re anxious about a presentation at work, but if you keep waking up on the wrong side of the bed, you might want to consider if too much protein is to blame. “When we are eating too much protein, we are often not eating enough carbs, like in low-carb or high-protein diets, and our brains actually run on sugar from those carbs,” Immer says. So what should you do? The easy solution is to recognize when we are swapping out too many carbs for protein, and to even out the difference. There’s no need to wolf down a pizza pie to brighten your mood. Instead reach for complex carbohydrates such as fruits, yogurt, brown rice, and whole grain oatmeal. Here are 6 subtle signs you are eating too many carbs.
Old 06-17-2019   #1723
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You’ve got brain fog

That afternoon slump is real. Feeling fatigued as the day rolls on might have you reaching for coffee or push you to nibble on a snack (or three), but it could be the amount of protein in your system that’s causing your eyes to glaze over and your thoughts to become incoherent. “Brain fog, in general, is also a possibility from too much protein, as a sugar deficit for the brain can cause your brain to actually shrink,” Immer explains. Overeating protein means that you might be displacing your carbs. This is risky because, as McMordie says, “carbs are the brain’s main source of energy, and without enough, it will be hard to concentrate.” Make sure your healthy snack between lunch and dinner has a nice balance of carbs and protein, so you feel full, without feeling foggy.
Old 06-17-2019   #1724
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You’re acting hangry

When too much time passes between meals, you might feel your upper lip curl and your patience run out. You might call it “hangry,” but a nutritionist might question whether you’ve had a few too many grams of protein in your day. “Without enough carbs, your body’s blood sugar dips, and you don’t produce enough mood-regulating serotonin, causing you to be ‘hangry,’” McMordie says. If you start to feel your fuse run short, McMordie suggests snacking on a side dish like Greek yogurt with berries, string cheese with fruit, or hummus with whole grain crackers, to stabilize your blood sugar and your mood.
Old 06-17-2019   #1725
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You’re gaining weight

It’s true that having a high-protein diet can satisfy your hunger, but if you go too far over the side of the pyramid, you might find your scale tipping over, too. “That’s especially true if you’re eating excess animal protein or downing protein shakes. Meat often means extra fat and also calories. And many protein shakes have added sugar to make them taste better,” McMordie says. “Over time, too many excess calories, no matter from fat, sugar, or protein, will cause weight gain.” To shift your meals in a healthier direction, McMordie says to “aim for balanced meals that include lean protein, whole grains, fruit and vegetables.” As a general rule, she adds, half of your plate should be fruits or vegetables, one quarter should be protein, and one quarter should be starch or whole grains. Next, check out how much protein you should be eating.
Old 06-17-2019   #1726
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You’re a little backed up

Having dependable, reliable digestion cycles will make you feel healthier overall and minimize any potential stomach issues. However, if your protein intake is too high, you might struggle to stay regular. “If you replace too much of your diet with protein, you may be lacking fiber from grains and vegetables. Fiber is important for digestion and regularity. Without it, you may experience digestive problems and constipation,” McMordie says. Aim for 25 grams of fiber daily from foods like whole grains (McMordie’s favorites are oatmeal and quinoa), vegetables, and fruit. Adding in a daily probiotic—or eating
Old 06-17-2019   #1727
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The 7 Best Probiotic Foods for Your Gut (That Aren’t Yogurt)

Charlotte Hilton Andersen

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One of the most astonishing recent health discoveries is how much our gut microbiome impacts our health. But when it comes to growing good gut bacteria, you have plenty of delicious probiotic foods to choose from.

Cold potatoes

Cold potatoes—that is, taters that have been washed, cooked, and cooled—are one of the best sources of resistant starch. Resistant starch is a prebiotic, a type of indigestible carbohydrate that acts like food for gut bacteria, encouraging the good bugs to grow and flourish. While resistant starch has many health benefits, one of its most promising aspects is its ability to increase insulin sensitivity, helping people reduce diabetes risk and even lose weight
Old 06-17-2019   #1728
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It’s Time to Get the Facts Straight About Probiotics

Lindsay Tigar

Offering proven benefits, probiotics have been all the rage. But just as you would with any holistic notion that is suddenly trending on Instagram, you want to make sure you get the facts straight from doctors and nutritionists before stopping by your local pharmacy

What is a probiotic?
Found in all sorts of foods and also available in pill packs, probiotics aren’t you’re typical supplement like a vitamin or mineral: They’re bacteria. Before you wrinkle your nose at that, remember they’re the “good” bacteria that can help keep the bacteria population your body in balance. Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when present in adequate amounts, may offer health benefits, says Tsippora Shainhouse, MD. “Some benefits of probiotics are that they may be able to help prevent and even treat some infections and illnesses and promote healthy digestion and perhaps, a healthy immune system,” she explains. Try adding these probiotic foods to your diet right now.
Old 06-17-2019   #1729
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It’s Time to Get the Facts Straight About Probiotics

Lindsay Tigar

Offering proven benefits, probiotics have been all the rage. But just as you would with any holistic notion that is suddenly trending on Instagram, you want to make sure you get the facts straight from doctors and nutritionists before stopping by your local pharmacy

What is a probiotic?
Found in all sorts of foods and also available in pill packs, probiotics aren’t you’re typical supplement like a vitamin or mineral: They’re bacteria. Before you wrinkle your nose at that, remember they’re the “good” bacteria that can help keep the bacteria population your body in balance. Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when present in adequate amounts, may offer health benefits, says Tsippora Shainhouse, MD. “Some benefits of probiotics are that they may be able to help prevent and even treat some infections and illnesses and promote healthy digestion and perhaps, a healthy immune system,” she explains. Try adding these probiotic foods to your diet right now.
Old 06-17-2019   #1730
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Why are there so many different types of probiotics?

If you know anything about bacteria, you probably know that you contain a multitude. The bacterial cells in your body outnumber your human cells by about 3 to 1 ratio, technically making you more bug than human. This fact also helps explain why your local pharmacy carries so many varieties of probiotics. Stare too long and you’ll likely wind up with a furrowed brow, wondering where you should even begin. Start with the U.S. Probiotic Guide to get a thorough look at the tons of different types of probiotics, advises Keith Ayoob, MD. It lists the hundreds of different bacteria cultures, capsules and varieties that are available.
Old 06-17-2019   #1731
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What can probiotics do?
Primarily known as a remedy for gut ailments, probiotics gained their reputation by helping people tame the diarrhea that follows a course of antibiotics or a trip to a country with sketchy water. There’s also interesting research suggesting that probiotics can tame irritable bowel syndrome and other chronic digestive issues, skin problems like eczema, and urinary and vaginal health problems; they may even promote healthy teeth and gums
Old 06-17-2019   #1732
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Who should take a probiotic?

The long and the short answer: Everyone, at any age, depending on what’s going on in their lives or body. Even when you’re feeling at the top of your game, it can be beneficial to take a probiotic, especially if you struggle with any of the things probiotics can help with. People on a special diet, like being gluten-free, can mean you’re missing out on some of the microorganisms—such as yeast—your gut craves, says Svetlana Kogan, M.D. and author of Diet Slave No More!. It’s important to have a conversation with your doctor about your goals while taking a probiotic, says Dr. Kogan, since most experts believe you shouldn’t be on them forever. “I recommend them only as a temporary intervention, together with healthy diet and lifestyle changes,” she explains. “This leads to a permanent healthy outcome, at which point the patient does not need to take anything anymore,” she explains. One time you should absolutely take probiotics?
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You can get probiotic benefits from food

People who don’t regularly struggle with gut issues can still benefit from probiotics—and you don’t have to take a pill. Do you often find yourself bloating following a meal or know that you have a hard time digesting certain foods? Before you decide to invest in a daily probiotic, consider adding probiotic-filled foods into your diet, Dr. Ayoob says. “Start with yogurt and kefir, which have live and active cultures, are minimally processed, and can be included in most diets” he says. “I also encourage people to eat more pre-biotic foods, which have different types of dietary fiber that feed the good bacteria in your body.” What does he recommend? “Some fantastic sources are onions, garlic, all fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.”
Old 06-17-2019   #1734
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If you’re buying pills, read the label

Just like you check food labels to avoid certain ingredients (looking at you, high-fructose corn syrup!), pay attention to what is in your probiotic to ensure you make a healthy choice. “Look for a reputable manufacturer with many different strains of probiotics represented, and a strong potency (around 40-50 CFUs) if you are taking it because of antibiotic treatment,” Dr. Kogan says. There is no FDA regulation of supplements, she warns. However, tests all supplements and publishes their results online, making it simple for you to get info on the effectiveness of a probiotic. It’s also smart to check with your doctor before adding anything new to your diet, not only for her opinion based on your medical history, but for her recommendations, too
Old 06-17-2019   #1735
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If you’re buying pills, read the label

Just like you check food labels to avoid certain ingredients (looking at you, high-fructose corn syrup!), pay attention to what is in your probiotic to ensure you make a healthy choice. “Look for a reputable manufacturer with many different strains of probiotics represented, and a strong potency (around 40-50 CFUs) if you are taking it because of antibiotic treatment,” Dr. Kogan says. There is no FDA regulation of supplements, she warns. However, tests all supplements and publishes their results online, making it simple for you to get info on the effectiveness of a probiotic. It’s also smart to check with your doctor before adding anything new to your diet, not only for her opinion based on your medical history, but for her recommendations, too
Old 06-17-2019   #1736
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Be patient

Probiotics aren’t supercharged pharmaceuticals, and restoring a healthy balance to your body will take time. If you’re suffering from IBS conditions or just not regularly visiting the restroom, taking one probiotic isn’t going to work magic overnight. “This is a process, so things may take weeks to produce a benefit. The gut environment cannot change overnight,” Dr. Ayoob says. “You want to grow more good bacteria, but the idea is to help your gut do what it is made to do, grow its own good environment.”
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12 Foods to Avoid If You Have Arthritis

Christina Manian RDN, LD

When you have arthritis, you want to keep inflammation at a minimum. Find out what foods you should avoid to feel your best.

Try to limit the amount of alcohol you consume as it can aggravate any inflammation happening in the body. (What is inflammation? Here’s a quick explainer.) This becomes a real concern if you’re drinking more than 1-2 drinks per sitting. Instead, give non-alcoholic party drinks a try to help you cut back but still have fun. Try these 10 other proven ways to fight inflammation, too
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White bread

Refined carbohydrates like white bread not only provide your body with minimal nutrition but may also fuel the production of something called advanced glycation end (AGE) products. These compounds are known to promote inflammation, a red flag for those with arthritis. Swap out white bread for whole grain bread like this, which is also a healthy choice in terms of fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
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Ice cream

Sugar is a major inflammatory agent in our diet, as is saturated fat—both of which can make arthritis symptoms worse! Ice cream has high levels of both saturated fat and sugar, making it something to enjoy every now and then. The dairy in ice cream is what aggravates inflammation—
Old 06-18-2019   #1740
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Dairy products

Put down the milk and cookies if you want to avoid inflammation. “When ingested, [dairy products] cause disruption and irritation to the cells of the gut,” says Danielle O’Connor, ND, a naturopathic doctor in Ontario. This irritation can allow allergens to leak through into the bloodstream and cause inflammatory symptoms, she warns. These symptoms can include headaches, fatigue, joint pain, and skin rashes. Here are some of the most common food allergy culprits to avoid
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