Originally Posted by Ho Chu Tiem
uh , đúng vậy, tụi Đức tào lao , bà nầy có làm gì đâu mà giải hòa bình ??
Giải hòa bình mà ...

Under the title of Peace Prize, the following prizes are awarded among others:
Aachen Peace Prize
Ahmadiyya Muslim Peace Prize
Albert Einstein Peace Prize
Bruno Kreisky Award
Community of Christ International Peace Award
The Peace Abbey Foundation Courage of Conscience Award
Confucius Peace Prize
Dresden Peace Prize [1]
Gandhi Peace Award
Gandhi Peace Prize
Gusi Peace International Prize
El-Hibri Peace Education Prize
Firmin Sword of Peace (formerly the Wilkinson Sword of Peace)
Peace Prize of the German Book Trade
International Children's Peace Prize
International Peace Prize
Joliot-Curie Medal (and others) awarded by the World Peace Council
Lenin Peace Prize (formerly the Stalin Peace Prize)
W. McCarthy Award
Michael Sattler Peace Prize awarded by the German Mennonite Peace Committee
National Malala Peace Prize
Niwano Peace Prize
Nobel Peace Prize
OPCW-The Hague Award
Otto Hahn Peace Medal in Gold
Pacem in Terris Award
Paul Bartlett Ré Peace Prize
Peace Medal of the Third World dispensed by the United Nations
Pfeffer Peace Prize dispensed by the Fellowship of Reconciliation
Ramon Magsaysay Award
Sean MacBride Peace Prize
Seoul Peace Prize
Sydney Peace Prize
Student Peace Prize
Templeton Prize
Thomas Merton Award
UNESCO Prize for Peace Education
United Nations Queensland Community Award
War Resisters League Peace Award
Wateler Peace Prize
World Peace Prize
Bác có tiền đứng ra làm 1 cái phát cho vui....

:hafp py: