Trump Admits China, Russia, North Korea Are Rooting for Him to Beat Biden
Photo: Melissa Sue Gerrits/Getty Images
By Jonathan Chait
Trump đă tung ra một cuộc tranh căi về việc các nhà độc tài đều không muốn Biden chiến thắng v́ "anh ta ngủ gục".
“Điều duy nhất tôi có thể nói với bạn chắc chắn: Chủ tịch Tập từ Trung Quốc, Tổng thống Putin từ Nga, Kim Jong-un, Triều Tiên và tôi có thể kể tên 40 người khác, họ có tư tưởng sắc bén. Họ không muốn đối phó với Sleepy Joe, ”anh nói. “Một trong số họ nói với tôi, một trong những nhà lănh đạo nói," Chúng tôi không muốn đối phó với một người lúc nào cũng buồn ngủ . "
Trump launched a riff about how various dictators all don’t want Biden to win because he is too sleepy.
“The only thing I can tell you for sure: President Xi from China, President Putin from Russia, Kim Jong-un, North Korea, and I could name 40 others, they’re sharp as a tack. They don’t want to deal with Sleepy Joe,” he said. “One of them said to me, one of the leaders said, ‘We don’t want to deal with somebody that sleeps all the time.’”
Here is a case where Trump has forgotten the difference between the way he thinks about various dictators and the way his audience does. Trump regards Xi, Putin, and Kim with admiration. He envies their dictatorial powers, and glories in the flattery they lavish on him. Trump has already won the open endorsement of many of the right-wing authoritarian nationalists with whom his is increasingly allied: Bolsonaro, Orban, Duterte, and Putin. In Trump’s mind, the idea that they prefer him over Biden is a strong argument for his own reelection.
That is not, however, the line he is trying to sell the public.