Tin mới nhất về chương trình Foodstamps "khẩn cấp" ở California (tiếng Anh) - VietBF


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Old  Default Tin mới nhất về chương trình Foodstamps "khẩn cấp" ở California (tiếng Anh)
Hôm nay 19/10 vẩn chưa thấy tiền foodstamps "khẩn cấp" do đại dịch dành cho cư dân ở California trong tháng 10 này. Khi vô trang:
http://- https://icaliforniafoodstam...-october-2021/
- https://icaliforniafoodstamps.com/wi...in-california/
Mời các ban tham khảo thêm ở đây (bằng tiếng Anh):

Extra Food Stamps for California – October 2021
Will California food stamps recipients receive extra CalFresh benefits for October? The extra food stamps for California for October 2021 are part of the Emergency Allotment (EA) Program. If you want to know how much extra CalFresh benefits you can expect in October and when you’ll receive them, continue reading below.

Alert: CalFresh Benefits to Increase by 25% – Learn More

In this article, we will cover:

What are Emergency Allotment benefits?
Who qualifies for extra SNAP benefits?
How much in extra food stamps will I receive?
When you’ll receive your Extra Food Stamps in California
Extra Food Stamps for California – October 2021
California P-EBT FAQs
$3000 Child Tax Credit Payments – starts in July, 2021
Why you may have received $95 in extra CalFresh benefits this month
Restaurant Meals Program FAQs

"October 2021 Extra Food Stamps in California"

Extra Food Stamp Benefits in California
Since March 2020, California has been using temporary SNAP flexibility to provide emergency food benefits to households impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

These temporary flexibilities are also referred to as Emergency Allotment (EA) benefits.

What are Emergency Allotment benefits?
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act authorized emergency SNAP benefits because of COVID-19.

In California, the emergency allotments will raise each household’s monthly allotment of CalFresh to the maximum allowable based on household size.

In addition, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) will approve requests for the additional benefits on a month-by-month basis.

We will update this post each month to reflect the extra food stamps that was approved for the month.

EA benefits are part of the Pandemic Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, also know as P-SNAP.

To find out what households qualify to receive Emergency Allotment (EA) benefits during the Coronavirus pandemic, continue reading below.

"California Emergency Allotment (EA) Benefits"

Emergency Allotment Benefits Eligibility
If you are trying to find out if you are eligible to receive extra CalFresh benefits in California, we can help.

To find out who qualifies for extra food stamps benefits, continue reading below.

Who qualifies for extra CalFresh benefits?
Any household that is currently receiving CalFresh benefits qualifies for extra food stamp Emergency Allotment (EA) benefits.

There is no extra paperwork to turn in to get the extra CalFresh benefits.

It will simply be added to your EBT card, and you’ll be able to use it just like regular CalFresh.

In addition, any household that is approved for SNAP EBT in a month when EA benefits are issued, will also qualify to receive extra food stamp benefits.

To find out how much you can expect to receive in extra SNAP benefits, continue reading below.

How much in extra food stamps will I receive?
The amount of extra food stamp benefits you receive is determined by your household size.

Your Emergency Allotment benefits through P-SNAP is the difference between the amount of benefits you are currently receiving and the maximum benefit amount for your household size.

If you are already receiving the maximum monthly benefit amount for your household size, then you will not receive any additional or extra SNAP benefits.

However, if you are not receiving the maximum benefit allotment for your household size, then you will receive extra food stamp benefits.

This means that you will receive the Maximum Benefit Amount for your household size with EA benefits.

For help, check out our example on how to calculate your Emergency Allotment benefits below:

Emergency Allotment Benefits Calculator
The formula to calculate how much in extra CalFresh you will receive through Emergency Allotment (EA) benefits is provided below.

Maximum Monthly Benefit Allotment for Household Size – Current Monthly CalFresh Benefits = Total Extra Allotment CalFresh benefits


If you live in a household of 3 people and are currently receiving $400 in CalFresh benefits per month, then you will receive $135 in extra food stamp benefits.

That’s because the maximum allotment amount for a household of three is $535 per month.

To find out the maximum SNAP benefit allotment for your household size, check out the table below.

Maximum SNAP Benefit Allotment by Household Size
Use the chart below to find the Maximum SNAP Allotment Amount for your household size.

The 2021 maximum SNAP allotments for the District of Columbia and all states other than Alaska and Hawaii are as follows:

Household Size CalFresh Maximum Monthly Allotment
1 $250
2 $459
3 $658
4 $835
5 $992
6 $1,190
7 $1,316
8 $1,504
Each Additional Member: +$188

When you’ll receive Extra SNAP Benefits in California
All households with active CalFresh cases in the benefit month will receive the maximum amount of benefits for their household size.

Emergency Allotments are approved on a rolling basis and issued by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS).

The Emergency Allotment for a benefit month is issued in the middle of the next month.

For example, when you get the extra benefit in mid-December, it’s technically for the month of November.

If you do not receive your Emergency Allotment benefits, please contact your SNAP caseworker at your local CDSS office.

However, before you call your caseworker, make sure you have reviewed the payment schedule below to see all three issuance dates for extra benefit for the month you are missing.

To find the CDSS office near you, click here.

To find out when you can expect to receive your extra California SNAP benefits for this month, continue reading below.

"Extra CalFresh SNAP EBT Benefits for October 2021"

Extra Food Stamps for California – October 2021
To find out when you can expect to receive your Emergency Allotment EA benefits on your California SNAP EBT Card for October 2021, see below.

When will I receive my extra food stamp benefits for October 2021?
California has been approved for emergency allotments for the month of October 2021.
October Extra CalFresh benefits will be issued on November 14, 2021.

I did not receive Extra Food Stamps in September. What Can I Do?
Extra food stamps benefits will be paid on October 24, 2021.

However, if you did not receive your benefits in October, the next round of September payments will be issued on November 14, 2021.

I still have not received my Extra Food Stamps for August. What Can I Do?
Extra food stamps benefits for August were paid on September 11th.

However, if you did not receive your benefits on September 11th, the next round of August payments will be issued on October 24, 2021.

Also, if your August payment did not come on October 24, 2021, then the last opportunity to receive your payment for August is on November 14, 2021.

Is California issuing extra SNAP benefits in November 2021?
Yes. California has requested and been approved by the USDA to issue CalFresh emergency allotments for the month of November 2021.

Each eligible household will only receive one emergency allotment per benefit month that emergency allotments are approved.

However, California runs three issuances for each approved emergency allotment for a given month.

This is done to ensure that all eligible households receive an emergency allotment for each benefit month that emergency allotments are approved.

Therefore, if you did not get the benefit on the first issuance date for a particular month, it means it may be sent on the second issuance date.

Furthermore, if you did not get the benefit for a particular month on the first or second issuance date, it means you will receive that benefit on the third issuance date for that month.

Are new California SNAP recipients eligible for extra food stamp benefits?
Yes, if your CalFresh application is approved during the month of September, P-SNAP benefits will be issued at the time of approval.

How do I check to see if I received my extra SNAP benefits?
To find out if you have received your extra SNAP EBT benefits for September, check your CalFresh EBT Card balance.

The Emergency Allotment benefits will be automatically deposited to your card EBT Card on your scheduled date.

Click here to find out how to check your CalFresh EBT Card balance.

CalFresh Emergency Allotment Payment Schedule for 2020 – and 2021
Here’s how to read the Emergency Allotment Payment Schedule Below:

As mentioned above, each eligible household will only receive one emergency allotment per benefit month that emergency allotments are approved.

However, California runs three issuances for each approved emergency allotment for a given month.

Therefore, if you did not get the benefit on the first issuance date for a particular month, it means it may be sent on the second issuance date.

Furthermore, if you did not get the benefit for a particular month on the first or second issuance date, it means you will receive that benefit on the third issuance date for that month.

It is therefore possible that your extra benefit for a particular month may be issued the following month, two months after, or three months after.

Here’s the CalFresh Emergency Allotment Issuance Schedule for 2020-2021.

Benefit Month First Issuance Second Issuance Third Issuance
March April 12 May 10 June 14
April May 10 June 14 July 12
May June 14 July 12 August 16
June July 12 August 16 September 13
July August 16 September 13 October 18
August September 13 October 18 November 15
September October 18 November 15 December 20
October November 15 December 20 January 10
November December 20 January 10 February 14
December January 10 February 14 March 7
January February 14 March 7 April 18
February March 7 April 18 May 16
March April 18 May 16 June 13
April May 16 June 13 July 18
May June 13 July 18 August 8
June July 18 August 8 September 11
July August 8 September 11 October 23
August September 11 October 24 November 14
September October 24 November 14 TBD
October November 14 TBD TBD
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R7 Tuyệt Đỉnh Cao Thủ
Release: 10-20-2021
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Last Update: 10-20-2021 : 17:39 Rating: None
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Old 10-20-2021   #2
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Tin mới nhất về chương trình Foodstamps "khẩn cấp" ở California (tiếng Anh)
Các cuồng mít dzàng già già đói khổ vừa nghèo vừa ít học đâu? (tiếng Anh) không đọc được thì hãy nhờ ai đó dịch giùm.

Không còn tiền mua xăng thì cũng nhớ phải ráng lết bộ nhé, mau mau ra xếp hàng hahaaaa....
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Old 10-22-2021   #3
Anh Hai
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Đây là chương trình ăn mày tân thời của Mỹ. Z1 đều nằm trong danh sách này.
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Old 10-22-2021   #4
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Đây là chương trình phúc lợi của chính phủ Hoa Kỳ dành cho những ai có thu nhập thấp (low income) hội đủ điều kiện để được hưởng tùy theo hoàn cảnh, xin đừng "chính trị hóa" vấn đề này. Theo tôi, giàu hay nghèo là chuyện bình thường của xã hội vì không có ai chọn lựa để sinh ra như vậy. Nếu lôi vấn đề tế nhị này để bình luận, phê phán, chỉ trích này nọ, e rằng không hợp tình hợp lý và chỉ nói lên "bản chất con người thật" của mình, tốt xấu là tùy theo gốc nhìn của mổi người!! Mong thay!!
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Old 10-24-2021   #5
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Hôm nay 24/10/21 tiền foodstamps đã chính thức nạp vô thẻ EBT, các bạn nào đang hưởng tiêu chuẩn này nên nhanh chóng bấm phía sau thẻ để biết số tiền đã nạp vô thẻ (bấm số 3, sẽ có tiếng Việt) và đi chợ mua sắm đồ ăn cần thiết. Tháng 11/21 tiền cho thêm này sẽ được chính thức nạp vô thẻ đúng vào ngày 14/11 ở Cali. Hãy chịu khó kiểm tra nhé và mua sắm, lúc này giá cả mổi ngày mổi tăng vì nguồn cung từ VN bị hạn chế!

Last edited by trungthuc; 11-03-2021 at 02:04.
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Old 10-31-2021   #6
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22 Tiểu Bang có Tiền Thực Phẩm Khẩn tháng 11/Lịch gửi?
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Old 11-07-2021   #7
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Thêm 15 tiểu bang được Bộ Nông Nghiệp cấp tiền thực phẩm khẩn cấp (EA) trong tháng 11/21

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